Crowbar Illustration

Brief: Illustrate a compound word.
Category: Illustration

I illustrated a scene of a crow bar (a bar for crows) based on the compound word “crowbar.” I included a small shelf of liquor, beer taps, a bar tender and two customers to illustrate what it would look like if crows could enjoy bars like we do.

Process: I started out by I sketching a couple different angles of bars, stools, and crows. Once I found an angle that showed enough context that it was a bar, and an angle that made the crows look like they were enjoying themselves, I created a final sketch. I then traced the sketch with a micron pen and vectorized it in Illustrator. I added color and offset the outlines a little to add some depth and make it less flat. After receiving some feedback, I added a bartender and beer taps to create more of a scene.
